Support Database
Subject: | Sample Code: ASP - Modify Account Remotely |
Category: | |
Keywords: | asp, active server pages |
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Article: | The following ASP function can be used for remote interaction with the servers to modify an account.
You can find your Customer ID (cust_id) and PIN (cust_pin) on your My Account page.
Your Product ID (prod_id) is located in the left hand column of the Products list in the SoftLocker client.
Transaction Numbers (txn) should be unique and should be the same transaction number that you provided when the account was created.
Action (action) can be any of the following values: RESET, REMOVE, ENABLE, DISABLE, MULTI, SINGLE, EXPIRE.
Additional Data (data) is only used if the action is EXPIRE. You must send the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
See User Automation and Transaction Numbers for more information.
<% function modifyAccount(cust_id, cust_pin, txn, action, data) dim xmlhttp dim strRet dim a dim myURL myURL = "" & cust_id & "&cust_pin=" & cust_pin & "&txn=" & txn & "&action=" & action & "&data=" & data 'response.write(myURL)
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlhttp.setTimeouts 5000, 60000, 10000, 10000 "GET", myURL, false xmlhttp.send "" strRet = xmlhttp.responseText set xmlhttp = nothing response.write(strRet) end function %>
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